we offer

training and showing

-Training to the highest level of dressage and jumping in line with the horse’s abilities
-Presentation of dressage and show jumping horses at tournaments from Novice to Grand Prix level.

problem horses

-We cover the full spectrum: from getting to the roots of the problem the horse would have initially encountered in its life, through until the final stage of rehabilitation.
Starting with the basis of true horsemanship, Moritz is applying a sound mixture of tact, patience, firmness and kindness when dealing with horses with behavioural problems like rearing, bucking, bolting or throwing themselves onto the ground
•-We do not need specific gadgets when dealing with a problem horse - addressing the problem directly with the animal supplemented by extensive experience and patience is the only way to eventually solve the issue. This can sometimes be dangerous, too, but Moritz Straub is up to the challenge, he is an absolute expert in problem solving 

– don’t give up, but rather give it a try, there is no such thing as a vicious horse by true nature!

horse marketing

-Buying and selling horses is a very responsible task. As with all partnerships, it all comes down to finding the right match.
Contact us if you are looking for a horse and/or want to sell your horse and benefit from our wealth of experience and know-how in horse marketing.

investing in horses

-We are one of the few specialized companies in Central Europe to offer the opportunity to invest in horses.
Speak to us and find out more about a commercially highly viable business model.

We offer a full spectrum of services for you and your horse

coaching during competition

• Helping you get the best out of yourself and your horse
• Benefit from our tournament knowledge and experience.

training sessions

• Join our sessions with your horse for all levels of jumping and dressage 
• Benefit from our knowledge and experience, that will enable you to become an active member in your horse's further development.

Classes & symposiums

• We regularly run dressage and jumping classes on site
• We also invite renowned trainers to hold their own classes.

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